Iron Age Settlement 100m SW of Glebe Barn
Description of this historic site
Subrectangular enclosures and linear features were visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. A subsequent field survey produced material of an Iron Age date, suggesting a settlement. The site is located 1km north east of the church at Halford..
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Notes about this historic site
1 A pair of subrectangular enclosures and other linear features and small enclosures were photographed from the air in 1986. Field survey produced a scatter of Iron Age sherds, including a preponderance of the shelly wares which appear to typify the early and middle Iron Age in South Warwickshire. In addition quantities of animal bone, burnt stone and daub were noted in the plough soil. This appears to be a settlement of Iron Age date.
4 Survey report.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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