Excavation of Fosse Way 400m S of Priory Farm

Description of this historic site

Partial excavation of the Fosse Way uncovered traces of the early road. It had been damaged by the building of 4th century buildings. Late 1st century pottery and a rubbish pit were also found. The site lies 400m southeast of the Mission Church at Princethorpe.

Notes about this historic site

1 Fosse Way sectioned where it passes the Romano-British settlement. An early road was cut through by a Trajanic rubbish pit. The later Roman road was 45.7m to the W.
2 A second trench dug through the early Fosse Way again showed a 3.66m wide trench-built road badly damaged by later Roman buildings – these were probably of 4th century date. The W side ditch contained late 1st century pottery.
3 Section.
4 Annotated map.
5 References 1 and 2 give grid reference SP4070 but the Annotated Map 4 gives the above grid reference which appears more likely to be correct.

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