Site of Venonae Roman Settlement at High Cross
The site of the Roman Settlement of Venonae. There are currently no remains visible above ground but fragments of Roman pottery, tile and bone have been found at the site. It is situated at High Cross.
1 This area of Roman Settlement centred on High Cross is scheduled under Leicestershire (no 136), but the scheduled area covers parts of the parishes of Wibtoft and Copston Magna.
2 There is presently no surface indication of the settlement within the Warwickshire parishes.
3 Much apparently existed during the 16th century and 17th century. Dugdale, for example, remarks upon “large stones, Roman brick, with ovens and wells, coins of silver and brass” to be found there.
45 The excavations made here have been outside the Warwickshire area.
6 Two Leicestershire SMR cards (with incorrect Parish names and NGRs) report finds in this area just inside the border. These comprise a collection of pottery sherds including samian, mortaria, amphorae and greyware, bone, tile and slate. One of these SMR cards describes this collection over an area about 50m x 50m.
7 An archaeological watching brief undertaken in 1997 during the installation of electricity poles and stays at High Cross Roman town recorded no evidence of archaeological deposits or features. Please note: most of this watching brief was carried out over the border in Leicestershire.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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