Site of Roman Buildings, Field E of Bleachfield St, Alcester.

Description of this historic site

The remains of buildings and roads, probably of Roman date were observed in the results of a geophysical survey. The features are also visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs. The site is located east of Bleachfield Street, Alcester.

Notes about this historic site

2 Probable roads, buildings, linear features show on aerial photograph.
3 In 1975 there was a proposal to build housing on this site. A geophysical survey indicated a number of archaeological features and development was prevented.
4 Patterns of sub-surface resistivity indicated streets with buildings fronting onto them and spreads of stone and cobbles over the whole area surveyed. In 1985 ploughing destroyed at least 0.1m of important archaeological levels over an area of about 150m by 180m. The field was walked in September 1985 and concentrations of pottery – including Samian – and glass recorded. There were also spreads of tile, masonry and gravel. The field has been regularly visited by metal detector users since the ploughing.
4 Report of plough damage .
5 A Roman coin of Lucius Verus (161-69) was reported to Birmingham Museum.
6 A small watching brief (WA 8204) in 1997 confirmed Roman occupation on this site.
7 Photographs relating to the damage reported in 4.
8 Notification about management agreement from EH.
9 Archival material.

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