Site of Poss Roman Tile Kiln 500m SW of Mows Hll Fm

Description of this historic site

The site of a tile kiln and a quarry both dating to the Roman period and known from finds of tile and burnt clay. It was situated 800m north east of Blunt's Green.

Notes about this historic site

1 Quantities of Roman brick and tile found deeply stratified in 2.4m vertical riverbank. Also an enamelled plate brooch and, 50m to SE, quantities of box flue tile found in vertical riverbank.
2 Additional material found in 1985 includes tegulae, box flue and floor tiles and one sherd of Samian. One ?14th century Brill Ware pitcher handle was also found.
3 Site visit may indicate that this is the site of a Romano British tile kiln. A lowered area, a ?clay pit, about 15-20m across and 2-3m deep is located by the side of the River Alne. To the SE of the ?clay pit is a spread of clay, burned clay and Romano British tile in the plough soil. This may well be a Romano British tile kiln. Flue and floor tiles were noted. Wasters have been observed on the site.
4 The probable site of a Roman tile kiln. The site consists of a clay pit by the side of the River Alne, which was covered with trees until a few years ago. Recently the trees and bushes were cut down and the area ploughed over. This revealed on the south-east of the pit a spread of clay in the plough soil. Scattered amongst the clay were pieces of burnt clay and a fairly large quantity of flue, floor and other tiles. The tiles and burnt clay may well indicate the site of a Roman tile kiln. Whether the clay pit is Roman or later is uncertain.

1 /Desc Text /Hutty B /1977 /WMANS /No 20 /p36-8 /WMB /Y /
2 /Pers Com /Hutty B /1985 / / / / / /
3 /Desc Text /RCH /1985 /WM /Field Survey Form / /WMBFI 4793 /Y /
4 /Desc Text /RCH /1986 /WMA /Vol 29 /p56 /WMB /Y /