Site of Medieval Grange at Bockenden
The entrance to the modern high status residence on the moated site recorded as "Bockidene Grange".
Image courtesy of William Arnold
Description of this historic site
The site of a Medieval grange, an estate associated with Stoneleigh Abbey. The is known from documentary evidence. It was situated 800m east of Burton Green.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Bokindene was a grange built by the monks of Stoneleigh on the site of assarts at Hurst.
2 The site is presumbably centred at Bockenden Grange.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
first series O.S 1:25000 mapping places “Bokidene Grange ” as within the moat immediately north of the farm known as Bockendon Grange. This is similar to the medieval Rudfyn Manor near Meer End and a nearby Redfern Manor. I would not be surprised if the present Bockendon Grange was once known as Bockendon Grange Farm.
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