Hurst Deserted Medieval Settlement

Description of this historic site

The possible site of the Medieval deserted settlement of Hurst is suggested by documentary evidence. The site of the settlement lies 500m south east of Broadwells Wood.

Notes about this historic site

1 In 1154, when monks were settled at Cryfield Grange (PRN 2852-3) the village was moved to Hurst. Hurst was anciently a pretty village consisting of nineteen houses, of which by the start of Henry VII’s reign (1485) there is now no more than one left. There are here fourteen houses.
2 Poor archaeology (C), small quantities of documentary evidence and period of desertion not known.
3 A map shows a number of houses in the area around South Hurst farm.
4 A second map shows at least seven houses in the same area.
5 The exact location of Hurst is not known as there may have been two related villages at Upper and Lower Hurst.
6 A number of documentary references exist to a village at Hurst, Stoneleigh (centred on SP 28 75), although the exact location is uncertain. One of two possible sites for a new NCB mine is at South Hurst Farm. If this site is finally selected, further fieldwork will be undertaken, and development observed in case the village site is affected.
7 Map.

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