Romano-British Villa or Settlement Site at Madhill, Sunrising Hill, Tysoe

Description of this historic site

The possible site of a Roman settlement. Fragments of Roman pottery, tile and quern stone were found during a fieldwalking survey. A resistivity survey was carried out at the site and revealed a feature of high resistance. Magnetometer survey indicates a possible villa site with earlier ring ditches. The site is located 300m west of Sun Rising Covert.

Notes about this historic site

1 Fieldwalking by the Edgehill Project Group produced a concentrated scatter of Romano-British pottery sherds associated with ironstone rubble and dark soil. Some larger stones have been dumped into the nearby hedgerows after ploughing. Resistivity associated slight earthworks with a high resistance feature. Other finds of note were a quernstone fragment and broken limestone roof tiles.
2Subsequent geophysical work has recorded a series of buildings and phases of activity on this site. Work subsequently refined this image, implying the presence of a large Roman building on the site. There is a suggestion that settlement evidence may continue under the A422; a concentration of Roman material has been recorded from this area. A ring ditch was also evident to the south of the area surveyed.
3 Greyscale and interpretative plot of this survey shows the density of ditch and wall features across this area.
4 Possible villa site.

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