Site of Poss Roman Villa 400m NE of Lobbington Farm
Description of this historic site
The site of a possible villa dating to the Roman period where pottery, animal bone, brick and tile have been found. It was situated 900m north west of Butlers Marston.
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Notes about this historic site
1 Site on S bank of the River Dene in a small field. A scatter of stone in the S field is about 20m by 10m in diameter. Finds of pottery, animal bone, brick and tile were made, probably indicating a small villa.
2 Finds brought to the Museum include Roman pottery – Samian, Nene Valley, Oxfordshire Colour Coated, Black Burnished, shell-tempered, oxidised and grey wares – and five fragments of tile – two flue and one possibly imbrex.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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