Roman settlement

Description of this historic site

The possible site of a Roman settlement. Roman pottery, coins, brooches and animal bone was found as well as a rough cobble floor surfaces. The site was located 500m north of Lower Brailes on Sutton Brook.

Notes about this historic site

1 Investigation of a Roman settlement led to the banks of the stream where erosion provided fresh evidence in the form of two coins and pottery. A trial trench was dug in the bank of the stream and a floor of rough cobble with patches of gravel discovered at 1.07m. Much pottery and some metalwork was discovered. At two points upstream the bank had collapsed revealing layers of stone and a second trench revealed a compact stone surface. A few sherds of pot and pieces of bone were found. A third trial trench revealed only natural stratigraphy.
2 Finds included Samian ware, grey ware, four Roman coins, four brooches, tweezers and several other objects. Animal and human bones were also found.

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