Ridge and furrow and other medieval field systems at Stoneleigh Abbey - The Cunnery Site
Description of this historic site
During an excavation, the remains of a Medieval field system and ridge and furrow were found. A large boundary ditch was also found. The site is located 500m east of Stonleigh Abbey.
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Notes about this historic site
1 An evaluation of land in a field known as the Cunnery at Stoneleigh Abbey revealed evidence of Medieval field systems and a boundary ditch
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
Could the ditch be one of the many ditches recorded on the 1st series 1:25000 O.S. mapping in the area of Stoneleigh Abbey that are quite perplexing and not mapped on contemporary(2017) 1:25000 mapping, even when still present.
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