Roman boundary features at Station Rd, Alcester.
Description of this historic site
Roman boundary features recorded during several phases of archaeological fieldwork in Station Road, Alcester.
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Notes about this historic site
1 An archaeological evaluation at the former Highways Depot, Station Rd, Alcester (SP08525768), recovered evidence for Romano-British boundaries and a possible medieval ridge and furrow field system, but found no definite trace of Ryknild Street which was thought to run through the site.
2 Archaeological evaluation and subsequent recording at the former Sharpe and Partridge land, Pullman Place, Station Road, Alcester recorded a gully containing 21 sherds of Romano-British pottery (SP08535774). No traces of the Roman road, Ryknild Street, which was believed to have run through this area, was recorded.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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