Prehistoric Features, Ryton on Dunsmore
A pit and several gullies were identified. The site was located north of the church at Ryton.
1 A geophysical survey was carried out as part of an evaluation. From the magnetometer survey only one pit-type feature and gullies were identified. The resistivity survey recorded a ditch and a possible building with an associated rubble spread. The ditches surrounding the earthwork platform WA4293 were identified but there was nothing to suggest a building on top of the platform.
2 Further evaluation by trial trenching was carried out ahead of a proposed cemetery extension. A single pit, probably prehistoric was exposed. Several medieval features were found including a possible medieval boundary ditch, a large pit or ditch and a posthole. Three undated gullies were also recorded. Similar features were also located in the trial trenches dug across this area in 1993. Considerable archaeological remains, mostly associated with medieval Ryton survive across this site, particularly in the area closest to the existing churchyard and the street frontage.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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