Undated linear cropmarks

Description of this historic site

Several linear features of unknown date are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs. They might be the remains of a trackway. Alternatively, the linear feature might represent a pit alignment. The features are situated 1km north east of Bourton on Dunsmore.

Notes about this historic site

2 Possible linear features, possibly consisting of linear ditches and pit alignments, show on aerial photograph. This may be a trackway, although two small subrectangular enclosures appear to be attached to the linear crop marks.
3 Archaeological work in 1991 established that during the later BA or early IA (c1400-600) a linear boundary feature was constructed continuing the eastern alignment of this monument. This comprised a series of subcircular pits, some of which were subsequently recut. Parts of the linear boundary appear to comprise lengths of ditch rather than individual pits. At least one enclosure seems to have been appended to the linear boundary. See MWA7372.

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