Possible Round Barrow 500m W of Icehouse Spinney
The site of a possible round barrow, a mound of earth that was usually built to conceal a burial. It probably dates to the Bronze Age and is situated 500m south west of Coton House. Alternatively, the mound may be a windmill mound.
1 There is an undoubted sepulchral mound. It has no encircling ditch.
2 The labourers employed missed the deposit and a few fragments only of ancient pottery were found. 1968: This is almost certainly a large, badly-mutilated mill mound. There is a ramped tail to the E and much-disturbed evidence of a ditch elsewhere. The top of the mound has three depressions, probably ‘beds’ for a post mill or – less likely – the excavations.
3 ?Barrow. ?Not now visible.
4 Scheduling information from 1999.
5 Early scheduling record.
6 Undated note on the site.
7 Undated note on the site.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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