Possible Prehistoric linear features

Description of this historic site

Linear features, possibly of Prehistoric date, are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs. The results of a geophysical survey suggest that the features are ditches and trackways. They are situated 400m west of Lawford Lane, Rugby.

Notes about this historic site

1 APs.
2 Undated linear crop marks forming a network show on air photographs.
3 A geophysical survey carried out during 1992 over this cropmark identified the presumed trackways and ditches observed on APs. Other features were less easy to identify as they may be derived from dumped ferrous material rather than archaeological in origin.
4 A second geophysical survey was carried out in 1994 immediately to the west of the plotted cropmark complex at SP4773. This survey was placed over the mesolithic flint scatter identified during field walking (MWA 7246). The main feature detected was produced by the remains of a modern trackway.
5 Possibly a later Prehistoric open settlement.
6 Dating narrowed to within the Neolithic to Romano British periods.
7 A trial trench was excavated within the possible enclosure ditch to the west of the linear features. Four ditches were found but no dating material was recovered. It is not certain as to whether the enclosure was double-ditched or re-cut.

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