Offord Deserted Medieval Settlement

Description of this historic site

The site of a deserted settlement at Offord, dating to the Medieval period. Parts of the settlement are still visible as earthworks. It is situated 1km north east of Little Alne.

Notes about this historic site

1 This Domesday vill had nine persons taxed in 1332. Dugdale writes of a vanished manor house and calls it a depopulated place. The vestiges of the manor, he says, can be seen in the mill grounds (near Pennyford).
2 Location unknown (U), excellent evidence for village’s former existence, but period of desertion not known (2).
3 No visible evidence for desertion at the published site, nor are there early extant remains in the area of Pennyford.
4 A start was made surveying a Deserted Medieval Village which is thought to represent Offord. It has been cut through by the Birmingham-Stratford railway line. In one field a group of at least five building platforms was found fronting onto both sides of a well-formed hollow way, with several lesser hollow ways in the same area. Beyond the settlement there is considerable evidence for Medieval cultivation.
5 Find recorded with a metal detector: a cast bronze/copper object, schematic representation probably of a bull’s head. Possibly Medieval.
6 Correspondence from 1972.
7Some earthwork remains of this settlement show on lidar imagery adjacent to the river.

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