Mycelan Straet (Great road to Stratford)/ Saltstrete

Description of this historic site

Mycelan Straet, meaning Great Road, an Early Medieval road running south east from Stratford. It partially follows the line of an earlier, Roman, road and is mentioned in two charters in 985 and 988 AD. In documentary evidence from 1340 it is called 'Saltstret'.

Notes about this historic site

1 Reuse of part of Roman road evidenced by references in charters of AD 985 and AD 988; in the latter the road is called the ‘mycelan straete’ or great road. It marked the boundary of Alveston parish in the 10th century. The route is referred to as Saltstrete in 1340.
2 Maps illustrating section of Anglo-Saxon routeway south-east of Stratford, and extended Medieval saltway route.

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