Morton Bagot Park
Morton Bagot Park, a deer park dating to the Medieval and Post Medieval periods. It is known from documentary evidence. It is believed to be situated near Morton Bagot, though no sites have been positively identified.
1 A park in Morton Bagot is mentioned in 1349 and again in 1667, when it belonged to Lord Carrington.
2 The extent of the park could not be determined.
3 The park which is referred to on a number of occasions in Medieval deeds may have been in Wootton Wawen. In this area, on the southern fringes of Arden, local lords frequently imparked areas of woodland and waste as deer parks, and several of those in the surrounding parishes reached the Morton Bagot boundary. There are no clear records, however, of a park within Morton Bagot itself.
4 5 Lovie reports that a park existed in 1349, and is mentioned again in 1667 when it belonged to Lord Carrington. He states that nothing further is known of the site, including its extent.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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