Milburn Deserted Medieval Settlement
The possible site of the Medieval deserted settlement of Milburn. A series of earthworks may represent the remains of the settlement. The site is located in the area either side of Milburn viaduct.
1 Probably a ‘petty village’. It is recorded by Rous at the start of Henry VII’s reign as having been depopulated. There is one farm house.
2 Poor archaeology (C), period of desertion known, but documentary evidence inferior in quantity (1).
3 No trace of depopulation was found.
4 A series of earthworks and platform-like structures between Milburn Grange and the brook and around SP3073 could indicate the location of the deserted settlement.
5 LiDAR indicates a number of linear features between the Grange and the brook, centred on SP30277353 which could relate to the house platforms identified in 4. In addition, a number of possible features are visible in the LiDAR data to the W of the viaduct, but these have little regularity of form and it is difficult to relate them to features of a deserted medieval settlement.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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