Medieval activity at Alcester Grammar School, Birmingham Road, Alcester
Evidence for medieval activity, including a pit, the probable remains of a medieval timber structure overlain by a yard surface and 12th/13th century pottery, recorded during fieldwork at Alcester Grammar School, Birmingham Road, Alcester.
1 Part of a possible pit was uncovered during observation of grounds works for a new teaching block at Alcester Grammar School. A sherd of medieval pottery was recovered from the surface of the fill.
2 Archaeological evaluation at Alcester Grammar School (centred on SP 086 578) recorded the probable remains of a medieval timber structure overlain by a yard surface. A quantity of 12th/13th century pottery, which may have been associated with the Alcester ware pottery kilns believed to have lain south of the medieval abbey just to the east, was also recovered. The area appeared to lie within fields from the late medieval period (see MWA9126).
3 An observation at Alcester Grammer School in 2004 uncovered further medieval features and activity. More 12th – 13th century Alcester ware from the possible nearby kiln was discovered while medieval building remains and a gravel surface was thought to be from outer court structures associated with nearby Alcester Abbey.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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