Ice House 300m NW of Walton Hall
The site of an icehouse dating to either the Post Medieval or the Imperial period. It is visible as a mound. It is situated 500m south of Walton.
1 Two icehouses at Walton Hall (see also PRN 4903). The second icehouse is situated on the side of the lake. There is a well-defined and regularly-shaped mound covered with trees. Signs of brick walling on the N side suggest a side entrance.
2 Beamon and Roaf refer to this as ice house no. 1 and give the information above and add the ice house has been boarded up and access is not possible. They add that the ice was ecollected by punt and transferred to carts for storage in the two ice houses on the estate. Ice did not keep particularly well in this ice house.
Estate accouns mention that 3000 bricks were used in its construction in 1828, and one load of straw used for thatching.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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