Anglo Saxon pottery sherd, 77 Tiddington Road
Sherds of Anglo-Saxon pottery and ditches and gullies have been recorded in work at 77 and 79 Tiddington Road. These could represent a further Anglo-Saxon focus along Tiddington Road.
1 A single residual sherd of Anglo-Saxon pottery was recorded from 77 Tiddington Road. Although too much should not be made of a single sherd, this could represent a further Anglo-Saxon focus along Tiddington Road, similar to those found at Nos 117-121, and on the track to Rayford Caravan Park (both unpublished at the present time).
2 A number of ditches and gullies, some containing sherds of Anglo-Saxon pottery an animal bone were recorded to the north of the Roman period settlement at 79 Tiddington Road. Two fragments of antler comb were recovered from the fill of one of the ditches. This reinforces the idea of a focus for Anglo-Saxon activity occurring in this area.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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