Welford on Avon Medieval Settlement

Description of this historic site

The possible extent of the Medieval settlement of Welford on Avon is suggested by documentary evidence.

Notes about this historic site

1 The possible extent of the Medieval settlement, based on the first edition 6″ map of 1887, 43SE.
2 The ridge and furrow plotting of the parish.
3 Domesday lists Welford under Gloucestershire. The Phillimore edition has a grid reference of 14,52, which varies a little from this monument, and would be just north of the church.
Ref EG 9 (Land of St Denis of Paris) In Deerhurst Hundred Welford (on Avon) 15 hides.
4 The 1887 map shows a large, dispersed village with numerous small fields planted as orchards, and a few empty plots. It is hard to tell which of these orchards, if any, overlie earlier settlement. There is a winding lane near the church, and other lanes off the main north/south street. The ridge and furrow plotting of the parish shows some survival to the south and the northwest, but none that helps to clarify the village boundary. The church [MWA1805] dates from the C12th.

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