Site of Post Medieval Glassworks in Glasshouse Wood
The site of a glass works which was in use during the Post Medieval period. When trial trenches were dug the remains of walls and fragments of fused glass were uncovered. The site lies between Glasshouse Wood and Glasshouse Spinney, on the east edge of Kenilworth.
1 A glasshouse on the E side of Kenilworth first appears in the Parliamentary Survey of 1650 where a Glasshouse Coppice is recorded. A map of 1692 of Kenilworth Castle Estate shows a detached portion marked as ‘John Timm’s Glass-House Closes’. There are three fields, the northernmost having a building in the NE corner. An 18th century document gives details of repairs to the glasshouse.
2 In the E triangle of Glasshouse Wood, trial trenching revealed stone walls and debris including much fused glass waste which probably marks the area of the 17th century glass furnace.
3 Within SAM 167, MWA 5287.
4 A recently-ploughed adjoining field revealed considerable traces of fused glass, glass waste, Post Medieval pottery and a large quantity of brick rubble. These finds were scattered over the E end of the field in an area roughly 12 by 18m. This may represent refuse from the glassworks or the actual site of the glassworks.
5 Scheduling information.
6 Letter from 1971.
7 Letters about glass finds.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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