Site of Poss Medieval Building 300m SE of Hill Farm

Pond with surrounding grassed area and trees to the rear | Image courtesy of Gary Stocker
Pond on site of possible medieval building 300m South East of Hill Farm, 2020
Image courtesy of Gary Stocker
Description of this historic site

The possible site of a Medieval building, the evidence for which is an earthwork. A Medieval floor tile was found at the site which lies 400m south west of Furlong Pit Spinney.

Notes about this historic site

1 Fragment of Medieval decorated floor tile from here presented to Museum. This site square with trees around it, a raised area. ‘They always say there used to be an old mansion there’. Area known as ‘The Square’. Finds in Museum.
2 A rectangular area enclosed by a slightly raised bank 64m by 40m with a maximum height of 1.5m and surrounded by trees. There are traces of ditches along three edges, including an 8m wide depression on the SE side; the NE edge follows the field boundary.
3 Accession Card.
4 Area shown on modern map as pond. Also possibly shown as pond on 1st Edition OS Map. Needs Site Visit to confirm location.

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