95 High Street, Coleshill
The building known as 95 High Street, Coleshill retains the remains of a medieval two bay wing which is aligned parallel to the street with a long range to the rear. Dendrochronological dating of a timber from the clasped purlin roof of the building gave a felling date of c. AD 1456.
1 The building known as 95 High Street, Coleshill retains the remains of a medieval two bay wing which is aligned parallel to the street with a long range to the rear. The first floor chamber of this wing was originally open to the clasped purlin roof. The rear range of this building also retains the remains of a clasped purlin roof, but this has mostly been replaced by modern softwood timbers. A timber from the wing’s clasped purlin roof of the building gave a felling date of c. AD 1456.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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