Site of Claverdon Park
The site Claverdon Park, a deer park dating to the Medieval period. It is known from documentary evidence. The deer park is located in the area of Claverdon.
1 The park at Claverdon is mentioned from 1297 onwards, but in a grant of 1561 it is called the disparked park of Claverdon. All that now remains is the name Park Farm (SP1964) and the wide bank or ‘freeboard’ that bounded it on the W, where it ran from the brook to a site near the church surrounded by a deep moat. On the E the freeboard is still visible in places.
2 The boundary of the park was not identified during field investigations.
3 No trace of the ‘freeboard’ was found either to the W or E of Park Farm.
4 Steven Wallsgrove reported a small bank and ditch buried in the hedgerow between SP 1980 6436 and SP 1870 6405, which he interpretedf as a park boundary before it was extended in the early 15th century. This is in broad agreement with 1, and would suggest that at least for part of its length, a bank and ditch survives running inside the freeboard, a cleared area 5-7m wide for servicing the park pale.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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