Romano British Pottery Kilns

Description of this historic site

The site of five Roman pottery kilns which have been excavated. The location is to the west of Hartshill Wharf.

Notes about this historic site

1 1983: 5 Roman pottery kilns were revealed at Cherry Tree Farm by top soil stripping of an area c100 by 10m prior to the laying of a water and gas pipeline. The area around the known features was cleaned and the kilns and associated features excavated. 2 kilns had small ovens and 2 large. Kiln 3 cut kiln 2. The kilns were producing oxidised wares, reduced wares and mortaria. Several gullies and a ditch were not investigated in full. All the kilns date to the 2nd century, and most probably the second half of the century. 3rd century and 4th century pottery on the site was probably derived from later kilns nearby. All the kilns were aligned roughly E-W with stokeholes to the E. 62 mortaria stamps were found. Provisional identification shows that 29 were of the Antonine potter BRUSCIUS, who was almost certainly using kiln 2/3, probably with RUICCO (10 stamps) and perhaps IUNIUS (6 stamps).
2 Plan.
3 See also PRN 3866.
4 Note on pottery kilns.
5 K Scott points out that initial observation of kilns in 1983 was by himself. Mortaria stamps included BONOXUS, BRUSCIUS, IUNIUS and CATTANUS, all 2nd century.
6 Noted; MH83. Booth/Thompson, Excavation, 1983. Five kilns producing coarsewares and mortaria, with associated features.

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