Findspot - Roman Coin Hoard in Mancetter
Description of this historic site
Findspot - a hoard of coins dating to the Roman period was found west of Quarry Lane, Mancetter.
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Notes about this historic site
1 1959. This hoard was found by a chance excavation outside the main gates of Mancetter Manor. Some fragments of red ware jug base and mortaria, not sufficient to be helpful on dating, were noted. The find appeared to have been buried at a depth of about 18inches and the fragments of red jug are supposed to be part of the container.
2 A listing of the coins. The Mancetter hoard consisted of 16 coins, mainly Claudian, issues of military, dated to the 1st century AD.
3 Noted.
4 Noted. A coin hoard of 16 mainly Claudian coins found.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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