Romano-British and Medieval Features at Gramer House

Description of this historic site

An excavation revealed the remains of a pit, gully and a ditch which all dated to the Roman period. They were situated 150m east of Farm Road, Mancetter. Further fieldwork on the site located more Romano-British pits and gullies, potentially related to military structures.

Notes about this historic site

1 Archaeological evaluation in the grounds of Gramer House, Mancetter, revealed the remains of two pits, a gully and a ditch of Roman date. All of the features were ephemeral and only a small number of Roman finds were made.
2 Further excavation and a watching brief on the site. A main trench was excavated to the rear of the property and service trenches were monitored. A number of shallow pits and gullies were recorded, possibly relating to military structures. These were associated with a large pit, containing industrial waste, and other more substantial dtiches.A piece of worked stone, possibly from a stone building demolished in the vicinity, was also recovered.The later cuts of the ditch cluster were shown to date from the 3rd to 4th century, much later that the other predominantly 1st-century activity in the area associated with the fort. A substantial ditch, over 7m wide, was also recorded, probably part of the northern defences of the fort.
3 Final report concerning fieldwork carried out in 2. Roman features: these seemed to respect the orientation of the outer defences, reflecting an organised internal layout. Some evidence of industrial activity was recovered from the ditch and pit features. The 3rd to 4th century activity recorded in the ditch cluster, located within the pipe trench, is suggested as reflecting use by farmers or as a small scale military garrison in the later Roman period. Medieval features: a single medieval sherd was recorded from one of the grave cuts. Disarticulated bone elswhere implies the possibility of more graves in the area.

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