Excavation of Roman Fort Ditch, Mancetter.

Description of this historic site

The site of a part of the defensive ditch of the Roman fort at Mancetter. The site lies 30m east of Mancetter Road, Mancetter.

Notes about this historic site

1 1955: A section was cut through the bank and ditch which is clearly visible E of the Almshouses. This section revealed a ditch 2.6m wide and 2.1m deep from the present surface. This ditch contained a rapid silt filling of greasy clay. From the bottom fill came a fragment of probable Flavian or Pre-Flavian pottery. There was a fragment of Claudian pottery from the upper fill. The Roman ditch appears to have been filled by the late 1st century, having been erected early in the Roman period.
2 Illustration.
3 Noted; 1st century fort: E defences proven, possibly Flavian/Claudian.

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