Roman well

Description of this historic site

A well of Roman date was found during an archaeological excavation, suggesting that this may be the site of a Roman settlement. Various finds were recovered from the well, including a bronze figure of a horseman. The well was located 1km north of Newton.

Notes about this historic site

1 ‘Trench where masses of cow horn discoveries have been made.’
2 During quarrying in 1952 a circular well was exposed which was 1.8m in diameter and 7.6m deep. It was roughly steened with irregular boulders, which rested at the bottom on four decayed timbers set in a square. The well was filled with clay and soil but at the bottom was a deposit consisting of a bronze figure, a thin bronze disc, a coin and a mass of bone and potsherds. The coin was a sestertius of Faustina I (AD 141+). This and a piece of Samian suggest an Antonine date for the deposit. The bones included part of the skull of an adult female. The figure is a squat heavily-muscled male wearing a tunic, belt and cloak. He was clearly a horseman, although he has lost his horse. In addition, later in the year a trench 6m to 9m long was excavated containing thousands of animal horns.
3 The rider has now been lost. It represents a Celtic deity and was probably a votive offering.

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