Kenilworth Abbey Monastic Precinct

Description of this historic site

The presumed area and boundary to Kenilworth Abbey during the medieval period. The site forms most of Abbey Fields and the park around the Abbey.

Notes about this historic site

1 The boundary of this precinct is mostly conjectural although some historic map evidence suggests it follows particular historic and modern boundary lines.
2 A 12th/13th century wall was exposed during excavation of the Little Virginia area in the northwestern most part of the precinct. The wall ran approximately east to west with a distinct turn of the wall towards the south, forming the north west corner of the precinct.
3 Conservation plan for Abbey Fields.
4 A buried soil overlaid by layers, including demolition rubble containing medieval floor and roof tile was recorded during observation in 2007. No other features of the abbey or its precinct were recorded.
5 Negative watching brief along footpath.
6 Noted in West Midlands Archaeology.

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