Excavation of Romano-British Buildings to West of Manor House

Description of this historic site

A Roman building and grannary were excavated 100m north of Quarry Lane, Mancetter.

Notes about this historic site

1 1983: The ‘research excavation’ continued and revealed a ‘1st century principal building’, a side of which exceeds 15m; its total width is sealed by a pebble pavement above which there are Medieval features (MWA 7962).
2 Part of a large building overlaid by a granary, both in timber, were traced and also a ditch, probably of a later military phase. A quantity of very early Claudian samian was recovered here. Dating evidence suggests ocupation in the period 45-71, but more than one military site may be involved.
3 Location plan.
4 Noted; K. Scott, excavation, 1980. 1st century fort: timber structures and occupation.

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