Excavation of Iron Age Settlement - 'Site G'

Description of this historic site

A rectangular enclosure, along with hearth stones, charcoal and pottery, was found during an excavation. The enclosure and pottery dated to the Iron Age period and suggest that the site may have been a settlement. It was located 200m north west of Bushey Hill, Barford.

Notes about this historic site

1 1965: Excavation of a rectangular enclosure of Iron Age date with evidence of four recuts of the same ditch. The enclosure was a rough rectangle 11.6m by 16.4m with an entrance to the NW. Hearth stones, charcoal and burnt daub were also found in the ditch. 200 fragments of pot indicate that this was a settlement site rather than a cattle enclosure. A trial trench was cut across a second small enclosure and four Iron Age sherds recovered.
2 Aerial photograph.
3 Report on the pottery from site G.

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