Site of Tannery on Warwick Street

Description of this historic site

The site of a tannery which may have been established in the Medieval period. The tannery burned down in 1657 and was replaced in 1659. It ceased as a tannery in 1830 and an excavation in 1969 uncovered cattle horns. It was situated on Warwick Street, Southam.

Notes about this historic site

1 Widening of the Warwick Street bridge over the River Stowe in 1969 involved the destruction of a building which had been used as a tannery. In the Warwickshire County Records, Volume 4, a fire is recorded at a tannery in 1657. The new tannery was built in 1659 and continued in use until 1830. Bishop Bright School carried out a rescue excavation in 1969. Debris from the tannery, including a large quantity of cattle horns, was found. The rubbish appears to have been dumped to make a bank to hold back flood water from the stream.
2 Archaeological observation during the excavation of garage foundation trenches at 1 Warwick Place, Southam revealed no significant archaeological remains. The ground around the existing house had been made up by between 1.35m and 2.15m in the late 20th century.

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