Site of Roman Buildings S of Chesterton Camp

Description of this historic site

The remains of a Roman road and two buildings were found during an excavation of a reservoir bank. The discoveries were made 1km north west of Chesterton Green.

Notes about this historic site

1 See cross references for details.
2 The construction of a reservoir was unofficially observed and the remains of at least two buildings seen but not recorded in detail.
3 Field survey in 1992 noted the remains of a road surface and building structures in the banks of the reservoir.
4 The reservoir has been out of use since 1980. In 1993 a trench was excavated on the E side of the reservoir to reveal a limestone wall, probably the outside wall of a building. Finds included 3rd century pot, animal bone and painted plaster.
5 In 1992 the N and S banks were excavated. To the N stone was found, possibly from a Roman building, and to the S , possible evidence of a road.

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