Site of Iron Age Settlement at Park Farm, Barford.
Cropmarks on aerial photographs and the results of an excavation show that there was an Iron Age settlement west of the Half Moon Plantation, under what is now the M40.
1 Aerial photograph.
2 Enclosure and linear features (PRN 6299) show on air photographs. Possibly of Iron Age date.
3 Field work produced one potsherd of possible Iron Age (actually Roman) date.
4 1988. Excavation undertaken in advance of motorway construction produced evidence for a small enclosed settlement with two or three internal round huts and a number of pits and post holes. The pottery from the enclosure ditch is of Middle to Late Iron Age date and a currency bar was found in the enclosure ditch.
5 Field survey details.
67 Survey and excavation in advance of the construction of the M40 revealed a multiperiod site with the most intensive occupation in the middle Iron Age. The earlier prehistoric period is represented by flints, pottery, and a C-14 date but the earliest structural traces date to the late Bronze Age. The first major feature was a linear boundary ditch, perhaps of late Bronze Age date. This was followed by a mid/late Iron Age enclosure containing two hut circles and a penannular gully. The latest feature, a working hollow in the top of the fills of the enclosure ditch, was probably in use at some time between about 200 BC and AD 50. Roman sherds, medieval sherds, and ridge and furrow reflect the final, agricultural use of the site. Finds included both hand-made and wheel-thrown pottery, flint, daub, a currency bar, and an awl.
8 Plan.
9 Letter to the owner in 1986.
10 Plans of the enclosure.
11 Reference to finds made immediately adjacent to this site of 120 prehistoric flints, together with Iron Age and Roman pottery. Selection of flint finds illustrated
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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