Possible enclosure 200M NW Salford Hall, Abbot's Salford

Description of this historic site

A linear feature and a rectangular enclosure, both undated, are visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. They are located 350m west of Abbot's Salford.

Notes about this historic site

1 The aerial photographs (e.g. SP0650/17) available to the English Heritage National Mapping Project show crop marks that are probably of geological origin but none that support the Summary for this record.
2 Two photographs which cover this area have been located, both taken by Warwickshire Museum in 1990. No feature can be identified that matches with the plot on the GIS overlay. Geological features extend across this area; this feature must therefore be considered unlikely to be of archaeological origin, if visible at all.
3 Not noted on these aerial photographs; see 2.

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