Site of Chapel of St Leonard

Description of this historic site

The site of the Chapel of St. Leonard, which was built during the Medieval period. It lies 350m south of the sewage works, Polesworth.

Notes about this historic site

1 Chapel of Hoo situated between Polesworth and Grendon. This (now demolished) chapel was dedicated to St Leonard, and endowed with land by Roger de Grendon, in King Henry I or King Stephen’s time (1100-54). It is also recorded in the reign of John (1199-1216) and priests are recorded in 1535.
2 1846: During the building of the railway the site was discovered, gravestones and skeletons were found and an obelisk erected nearby (PRN 226).
3 The obelisk records the demolition of the chapel in 1538. The obelisk is in a grass-covered area. Nothing remains to indicate the plan of the chapel.
4 It is uncertain whether the obelisk marks the exact site of the chapel. The railway runs several hundred metres to the N. Stone quarrying in the vicinity of the obelisk could represent quarrying for material to build an embankment for the railway.

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