Possible site of Smercote Magna deserted settlement
Description of this historic site
The possible site of the Medieval deserted settlement of Smercote Magna. The site is located 200m south of Smorrel Lane, Bedworth.
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Notes about this historic site
1 ‘The Smercotes are now known by certain grounds so called, part in Exhall near Newlands [see PRN 507 for Smercote Parva] and part in Bedworth parish. This hath been of a long time a depopulated place.’
2 Dugdale’s small scale map of Knightlow Hundred shows the depopulated place of ‘Smercote Mag’ as being just under half a mile N of ‘Smercote pva’ (PRN 507), which from the above evidence is at about SP3286. No sign or trace of the deserted village were found in this area.
3 Letter from 1960 about the location of the Smercotes.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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