Possible Roman Building, Copston Magna
The possible site of a Roman building. The building was identified in the results of a geophysical survey. Fragments of Roman pottery and tile were found. Post Medieval tile and glass was also found at the site which is located 100m north east of Copston House.
1 Remains of building ploughed out here 1967 (Mr H Troon, The Hollies, Copston Magna). A very obvious rectangular building. Much glass, tiled roof and floor. 16th century or 17th century?
2 The site has now been ploughed flat and quantities of roof tile, stone and glass were noted. Some of the tile appears to be Roman (PRN 5603).
3 Geohysical survey has identified a building. Much Roman material, including teserra was also found.
4 Metal detecting has recovered a number of Roman coins and bronze tweezers from the vicinity of this site.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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