Possible Iron Age Features, Oversley Mill Services
Description of this historic site
This site was excavated in advance of development, uncovering a gully dating possibly to the to the Iron Age. The site is at Oversley Mill Services, Alcester.
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Notes about this historic site
1 An evaluation in advance of development was carried out by the Warwickshire Museum in June 1992. The ditch of a possible Iron Age hillfort (PRN 6119) was examined together with a possible Iron Age gully and other features containing daub and flintwork (cf. PRN 6399). Archaeobotanical sampling from the black layer in trench 9 which produced some Iron Age material found charcoal but no plant remains.
2 Observation of topsoil stripping and foundation trenches only revealed a single flint fragment, a few Romano British sherds, and some fragments of medieval tile.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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