Site of medieval pottery kiln

Description of this historic site

Medieval pottery kiln thought to be between Alcester Grammar School and School Road, Alcester.

Notes about this historic site

1 The owner had excavated a large quantity of Medieval pottery wasters and fire bars whilst double digging his vegetable plot. An area of 12 sq metres was opened up to try to locate the kiln. The Medieval deposits consisted of a series of earth dumps used to make up the level of the otherwise marshy ground. More wasters recovered but all indications were that the kiln itself lay further to the SW. The kiln was probably associated with Alcester Abbey.
3 Excavation report.
4 A large amount of 12th – 13th century Alcester Ware medieval pottery was found during an observation at Alcester Grammar School in 2004. It is thought to be related to the medeival kilns nearby.

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