Possible Deserted Medieval Village SW of Brandon
The possible site of a Medieval or Post Medieval deserted settlement is located to the south west of Brandon. The remains of the settlement are visible as earthworks.
2 A field on the right of the track from Brandon Lodge to Brandon Hall on the one side, sloping to the Royal Oak (Public House) on the other shows many ground disturbances of varying shapes and sizes which could be signs of an earlier settlement. In his article “The Deserted Villages of Warwickhire”, Mr Beresford mentions “…the Court of Star Chamber had before it gentry concerned in the destruction of houses and conversion of tillage at…Brandon…” This may provide further evidence for the earthworks.
3 Archaeolofical Observation during topsoil stripping at Hill Farm to the north revealed a large amount of 12th-13th century pottery and some Post Medieval pottery and metal objects.
4 Ditches and banks apparent on aerial photographs were mapped as part of the English Heritage National Mapping Project.
5 Evaluation conducted at Hill Farm recorded that the medieval settlement known from the west side of main Street would also have extended across to the eastern side of the street. The core of the settlement would have been along Main Street, with the shrunken remains of the village surviving to the south-west.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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