Marlpit 100m NE of Goldby's Farm
Description of this historic site
The site of a marl pit, from which a mixture of clay and carbonate of lime was extracted as fertiliser, used during the Medieval period. It is visible as an earthwork and is situated 600m north east of Astley.
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Notes about this historic site
1 This land was called Muddiman’s land in an early undated document and the surname could have been associated with clay working. A marlpit is described in the undated document and can also be recognised on a map of 1664. This marlpit still exists. A surface search among growing crops revealed potsherds near the pit. These ranged from the late 12th century to 13th century. The marlpit may have been used as a source for clay for potting.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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