Ice House 400m NE of Newnham Paddox

Description of this historic site

An icehouse, a structure built partly underground and used for the storage of ice in warmer weather. It was built during the Imperial period. The icehouse is still standing and it is marked on a tithe map of 1842. It is situated 300m west of Burton Pool Wood.

Notes about this historic site

1 A circular wooded area surrounded by pasture land is labelled ‘icehouse and plantation’.
2 It is still there and in quite good condition. It is an artificial mound on top of the rise of a slope. The arched brick entrance is partially collapsed, c1m high and 1.5m wide at the bottom, leading down to a slightly deeper passageway which leads in turn to a rounded brick-built chamber with a cone, c3m high in the centre and perhaps 3-4m in diameter. The entrance faces NE. Externally the mound rises c1.5m above the natural slope and is c8m in diameter, although partly eroded. It is in no obvious danger of destruction and seems a good example of its type.

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