Ford (?Byda's Ford)
The possible site of a ford, a shallow point in a river where people and vehicles crossed. The ford would have served the Roman Ryknield Street, known in the Early Medieval period as Byda's Ford. The site was located south of the church at Bidford on Avon.
1 The Ryknild Street crossed the Avon by the ford at Bidford ‘where the original pavement still exists under the turf in the meadow adjoining the river.’
2 Severn River Board reports that when working on channel improvement in the summer of 1955, there was still paving from the old ford on the N bank (S bank had until then been an osier bed), but no evidence of ford within river channel when it was deepened. Nearer present bridge the excavator noted harder bed, but this may have been compacted gravel. The channel must have been dredged before and this may have removed the evidence of the ford.
3 The S bank of the river has been reclaimed and is now pasture. No remains of paving seen on the N bank.
4 Referred to as Budiford or Bedeford in charters of the 11th and 12th century.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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