Findspot - Medieval finds, Bidford on Avon.
Findspot - Medieval finds, including coins, were discovered 200m north west of Bidford Bridge.
1 Assorted finds comprising coins from the 13th to 15th Centuries, round buckle, strapend, decorated spindle whorl, fragment of decorated lead sheet, possibly the base of a pilgrims ampulla, and 10 assorted Medieval and Post Medieval bronze. Illustrations of the spindle whorl and decorated lead sheet in FI File.
2 In addition coins of Edward I or II, Edward III, Henry V.
1 Finds made in 1986 at SP09755185: six strap ends, a strip hinge, handle and base sherds, both with traces of green glaze.
/Desc Text / /1987 /WM /Enquiry Form /E603 /WMBFI 798 /
2 /Desc Text /Seaby W A /1987 /WMEF /798 / /WMBFI 798 /Y /
3Cut Long Cross Halfpenny of Henry III and a Farthing of Edward I found in 1989 at SP09755185.
4 Cut long cross halfpenny of Henry III found in 1991 at SP09755205.
5 A halfpenny of the period of John and a buckle were found in 1990 at SP09755205.
6 /Desc Text /Wise P J /1991 /WMEF /2248 / /WMBFI 798 /Y /
7 A fragment of a late 14th/15th century jetton and a strap end, possibly medieval, were reported in 1990 as having been recovered from SP09755205.
/Desc Text /Wise P J /1990 /WMEF /1992 / /WMBFI 798 /Y /
8 Short cross penny of the period of Henry III found in 1986 at SP09755185.
9 Fragment of cauldron leg found in 1989 at SP09755185.
10 Annular brooch found in 1988 at SP09755185.
11 A lead spindle whorl and a possible ampulla fragment were found in 1988 at SP09755185.
12 Five coins were found in 1989 at SP09755185: a short-cross cut halfpenny of Henry II-III, a short cross cut halfpenny from the period of John, a penny of Edward I, and a halfpenny of London and a penny of York, both of Edward III.
13 A strap end was found in 1989 at SP09755185.
- For the sources of these notes, see the
- Timetrail record
- produced by the Historic Environment Record.
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